COVID -19 Return To In Person Instruction Guidelines
IQ Dental Education
Infection Control
-Prior to the student entering the program they will be required attend a mandatory session via virtual format on recognizing the signs and symptoms associated with COVID-19 and then sign a form that states they understand the symptoms and have an obligation to inform the school if symptomatic, to stay home if not feeling well and that if they become ill during class they will be sent home.
-Any student who has had close contact (less than 6 foot distance and with contact over 15 minutes) with a person who was diagnosed with COVID-19 are required to stay at home for 14 days after last exposure and maintain a social distance from others at all times and monitor their health to include a temperature check twice daily.
-All students and staff will have temperature scan prior to entering.
Physical Distancing
-All students will maintain a six foot distance from each other and the instructor
-Class size will be limited to six (6) students in order to ensure proper distancing.
-Classroom area will have designated seats to ensure proper distancing.
-The student will not be allowed to share any pens or pencils.
-Our dental clinic is in an open format with a dividing wall between the three dental treatment areas. The entrance to each treatment area is open to the rest of the room. This is an ideal set up to maintain more than six feet distance between the instructor and student allowing the instructor to observe all skills. Markings are placed on the floor to ensure proper distancing. IQ Dental Education does not allow more than one student at a time in each treatment area.
Cloth Face Coverings
-All students and staff will wear either a cloth face covering or disposable face mask while attending class.
-All students are required to watch a demonstration of proper donning/doffing of PPE and be required to demonstrate proficiency at donning and doffing all PPE
Cleaning and Disinfecting
-All areas of the classroom and clinical area will be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with an EPA approved hospital grade disinfectant prior to any student entering the building, mid-day and at the end of the day. This will include door handles, light switches, chairs and tables as well as all clinical surfaces.
-If a student or staff are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 the school will immediately cease class, ventilate area by opening doors and turning on fans. Classes will be suspended for 24 hours and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to students returning to class.
Hand Hygiene
-Stations with hand sanitizers will be located at entrance of class and in clinical area.
-Students are required to follow PPE procedures of washing or sanitizing hands prior to and after gloving.
Education and Training
-Prior to entering or resuming the program students and staff will be required to attend a virtual class session entailing the sanitization, hand hygiene, social distancing practices and protocols that must be maintained.
-CDC hand hygiene posters and cough etiquette posters are displayed in student areas. Material on how to protect yourself and others is also visibly posted.
-Air Conditioning/Heating System fans are kept on and not on intermittent setting.
Collaboration With Health Officials
-Fairfield, NJ contracts with West Caldwell Health Department for health services. A copy of this document has been sent to their office.
-A log will be maintained daily documenting the name and time that persons enter the class area as well as what times they leave the area.
Special guidance for Labs, Technical and Clinical Programs
-Students are required to only use designated entrance and remain within the classroom/clinic area during class
-All students will comply with all required Infection Control Practices and appropriate PPE when in the clinical setting.